City Gallery

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The City Gallery in the Brno Bronx will be the largest street gallery in Central Europe. The publication CITY GALLERY - Paintings with a story by Martin Reiner is full of beautiful photographs of this unique Brno street art. In it you can also find out what preceded the creation of the gallery, why the walls are painted or who is the author of which brick and where to find it.

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Martin Reiner


Images with a story

Published by Druhé město - Martin Reiner

Responsible editor - Věra Strnadová

Graphic design - Bedřich Vémola

Photographs - Petr Soldán, Martin Reiner, Monika Hlaváčová, Roman Opia Peterson, ČTK

First edition / 88 pages

Code Code: 4367
Category: Read
Weight: 0.34 kg