Voucher “jsem náročný/á” for 5 Admissions

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Voucher for 5 admissions to Kino Art on Radnická or Cihlářská Street. Come see a movie with friends or enjoy 5 movies on your own – the choice is yours. This voucher is transferable and valid for one year from the date of purchase. It is necessary to exchange it for real tickets at the box office.

In Stock

Voucher for 5 admissions to Kino Art on Radnická or Cihlářská Street. Come see a movie with friends or enjoy 5 movies on your own – the choice is yours. This voucher is transferable and valid for one year from the date of purchase. It is necessary to exchange it for real tickets at the box office.

Code Code: 1097
Category: Kino Art
Weight: 0.01 kg