Disposable Camera BRNO TRUE * STORY

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AutenTIC photos like Brno! The FujiFilm QUICKSNAP Rainbow 400 27-shot disposable camera is a must-have when visiting Brno. It's great fun to use, costs a few hundred and takes brilliant photos. Or buy one even if you're not in Brno and shoot Brno-style wherever you are.

Thanks to the integrated flash, you can take pictures in any conditions. The camera fits seamlessly in your pocket, you don't have to set anything up, you don't have to worry about it... In short, you just press the shutter, enjoy Brno or photography or both, and look forward to great snapshots.

You can choose from orange, yellow, blue, green and rainbow colours.

And how to develop your photos? You can find all the information HERE. https://www.polagraph.cz/tic/

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In Stock | 4613/ORA
In Stock | 4613/ZLU
In Stock | 4613/MOD
In Stock | 4613/ZEL
In Stock | 4613/DUH

Photos from disposable camera are autenTIC, just like Brno! Don't expect 100% technical quality, but expect an autenTIC record of the atmosphere.

Many photographers uses charm of disposable cameras even for more serious work. They can serve you as a great partner to record a photo diary. You can carry the Quicksnap in your backpack and keep it handy at all times. You can also use its specific optical qualities for your art projects.

Each disposable contains Fujifilm's 27-frame color film with 800ASA sensitivity. So you can shoot with it both with and without flash and it is very versatile.

  • New camera with 2 years warranty
  • ideal for backpacking
  • includes 35mm 35mm film with 27 frames
  • battery included
  • PDF manual

Simple Ways to Use a Fujifilm Disposable Camera: 9 Steps (wikihow.com)

Code Code: 4613/ORA
Category: Enjoy