Knitted Mug

Not rated

Brno mugs from the author's collection are decorated with knitting patterns. And not so ordinary at all! You will find motives inspired by the 29 districts of Brno, so you can choose from 29 patterns. They are, as usual, in typical Brno colors - red and white.

Capacity 250 ml.

Choose variant
Bohunice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/BOH
Bosonohy District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/BOS
Bystrc District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/BYS
Černovice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/CER
Chrlice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/CHR
Ivanovice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/IVA
Jehnice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/JEH
Brno - South District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/JIH
Jundrov District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/JUN
Kníničky District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/KNI
Kohoutovice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/KOH
Komín District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/KOM
Královo Pole District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/KRA
Líšeň District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/LIS
Nový Lískovec District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/NOV
Maloměřice and Obřany District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/MAL
Medlánky District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/MED
Ořešín District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/ORE
Řečkovice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/REC
Brno - North District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/SEV
Slatina District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/SLA
Starý Lískovec District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/STA
Brno - Center District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/STR
Tuřany District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/TUR
Útěchov District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/UTE
Vinohrady District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/VIN
Žabovřesky District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/ZAB
Žebětín District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/ZEB
Židenice District
Currently Unavailable | 4357/ZID

Brno mugs from the author's collection are decorated with knitting patterns. And not so ordinary at all! You will find motives inspired by the 29 districts of Brno, so you can choose from 29 patterns. They are, as usual, in typical Brno colors - red and white.

Code Code: 4357/BOH
Category: Brno Christmas